Yay, pregnant again!

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February 21

Yay! Since my parents told me they were completely not picking up on my pregnant signals last time, we aren’t telling anyone for a bit longer this time. And since the doctors appointment was mostly pointless last time, except for them telling us the exorbitant cost of prenatal care, waiting a little longer for that too. But I’ll post some posts in draft form and make them live after we tell our families again. Yay!

So this one really feels like a keeper. I’m getting almost all the same symptoms as last time, twingey ligaments in my abdomen, achy boobs, organs feel like they are moving around, waking up at 6am, but also I’m getting occasional nausea. Yay, nausea! It’s not really bad, feels like mild motion-sickness without the dizziness. But apparently nausea is a sign that hormone-wise the pregnancy is going fine, so I’m pretty ok with it. Also, here is some TMI, read at your own risk:

Highlight below for spoiler: I don’t have the horniness like last time, but hopefully that’s on the way! Also, if you are a girl, remember when you were just getting your boobs and your areolas like were all puffy? I got that hard core.

I am also way thirsty. Know how it’s a bad idea to go grocery shopping when you are hungry? I came back from the store with 5 different types of sparkling water, and one single I pulled out of a cooler walking into the store and finished on my way home. Understandably, I am doing quite a bit of peeing.

Also I’m having hot flashes or whatever. During the night I’ll throw my covers off and just sleep under the sheet, and then after a while pull the covers back on. This happens quite often and I do not like it.

Oh, hey, remember last post where I said my momentous occasion was played on my favorite podcast, Jordan Jesse Go? At the time I was surprised that they would play it, since they are two dudes and a pregnant lady didn’t seem like it would be super exciting to them…. But today on their podcast they announced that Jesse’s lovely wife Theresa has been pregnant for a few months too. So, that all made more scene to me when I heard that.

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